We are an integral part of the Whole. Each of us has a vital contribution to make – one that only we, in our uniqueness, can offer. Some people know exactly what they’re here to do, while most need a little help. Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) and Vedic Coaching can help you discover and manifest your Gift.

What is Your Gift

What is Your Gift

Everybody and everything come into this life to give their gift. In so doing, they fulfill their life purpose and uplift the world around them, making it a better place.

Our gift is as unique as our fingerprints. It is formed by a set of life experiences that no one else has had and, out of these, come our strengths, talents and abilities. Some of these are innate, while some were born out of great challenge and have required much effort and perseverance but, when overcome, they have resulted in some of our greatest assets.

The most essential component of our gift, however, is our own happiness. It is an inherent quality of joy that is independent of what we do or don’t do or who we “think” we are. If we are not consciously present and intimately connected in this way to life around us, we will not be able to fully give of ourselves.

When we are dialed into our gift and actively offering it, we experience a quality of aliveness and a sense of purpose. It puts us into the “flow” of life and gives us that “YES” feeling... and has a catalyzing influence on the world around us.

The question is, why don’t some of us know from the outset what our gift or life purpose is. This often has to do with our formative influences. These could be early childhood traumas, or perhaps a lack of encouragement or even active suppression coming from our early environment. With conscious effort and self-compassion, these can be surmounted.

“Jyotish” or Vedic Astrology helps us uncover what is essential in us. It is the oldest and most comprehensive system known for identifying our natural predispositions, and for mapping out the experiences we are destined to have, that lead us to our full Self-development. Learn more about Vedic Astrology.

Once the Vedic chart has clarified our talents and abilities, and the challenges that ultimately serve to strengthen us, the next step involves the Coaching process. Life Coaching is an exceptional tool for bringing our “gift” into focus and manifesting it in our lives. Learn more about Coaching.